ChNN contribution page
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We are happy to see contributors. Here some ideas how you can help to improve the project:
Contest participation
Taking part in the contest is also a great way to push project forward. More participants we have - more chances to find great neurons.
Attention contribution
you can help by making more people know about the ChNN project by mentioning us in social networks.
Ideas contribution
if code contribution is too time-consuming for you, we would be happy if you share your expertise. Check out discussions section of all ChNN repos, leave useful comments in issues or open your own discussions and issues. We are looking for advices in code architecture, infrastructure (how to organise automatic submissions check, results publishing, simplify contribution pipeline), general ideas (how to improve ChNN model) and so on.
Code contributions
- check issues in any ChNN project repository. You will find some ideas what to improve. Or suggest your own code improvements by opening an issue, we will discuss that.
- Write in issue that you are going to work on it.
- Clone the repo.
- Solve an issue in you branch.
- Create a pull request.
It would be great to make some prise founds for contest or to support contributors of the projects. For now, it is not supported to help with money. But if you are interested in it, create an issue to add donation channels.